I always find it special to drive to the track late at night. You get there when its all dark out, you can not see anything, you just sneak in, pitch a tent or sleep in the car, and then morning breaks. That special time. The sun starts to rise and you have instantly been teleported from your cubical at work to the blissful serenity that is the early morning race track. Dew covers the infield grass with a delicate sheen and the cars that came early have a frosty glaze. The track is absolutely quiet with not a single sound. Then, in the distance, the quiet murmur of a flat 6 trying to sneak its way onto the infield without waking up all the other slumbering racers. This is the best time to be at the track, 5:30am, when the soft beauty of the race track and the solitude full hits you. You are in another world.

This is the start of the NorthEast region NASA Pocono Raceway HPDE. The track for Saturday would the the long course comprising of the main straight, north course, NASCAR turn 2, and the south course totaling 3 miles . The event was very well run with run times starting on time with minimal delays allowing the racers to get their full 25min run sessions in. One thing if found different though was that the checkered flag flew coarse wide and no cool down lap was allowed. This lead to more efficiency with regard to getting cars out on course but deprived the vehicles of the precious cool down time, especially in the afternoon heat. But besides this, the event was very well run.

Overall this was a fantastic event. Now for the transition back into the work week...was that all a dream.
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